Self Possessed

26.06.2007., utorak


anyway, new opssession Hellsing :) what is it with Dracula and those round glasses (first Gary Oldman, then Alucard) I need to get me a pair of those, and a pair of fangs, and a pair of oversized guns (454 Casull & Jackal) and a blond chick to order me around, well I already got that but she's not blond (what are friends for :), and a red trench coat and a pair of white gloves and a hat, a few hundred thousand stakes (which wouldn't be nearly enough for all the people I'd like to impale :) and an eight-eyed dog, anyway a cool anime go watch it if you haven't

26.05.2007., subota


I'm currently in Zagreb, so I decided to put a post (I remembered Ihad a blog haha) why do I even bother, no one even reads this stuff, anyway my cousin got married :)
3.c sucks :)
I have a new opssession (Lara Croft, Pirates of the Caribbean)


21.01.2007., nedjelja

Kletva kralja Zvonimira (The Curse of king Zvonimir)

Super mi je pjesma, Thompson je genijalan i evo mog slobodnog prijevoda na latinski:
Rex Demetrius Suinimir,
Per montes clamores sonant,
Milites tui in carcere sunt...

evo slikica nevezano uz temu (trenutno sam u harrypotterovskoj fazi)

13.11.2006., ponedjeljak

3 sms-a: povijest i fantom opere

dobila ja danas 3 sms-a u kojima lijepo piše ukratko donesi povijest, nešto mi fali, bio sam dežuran, jedna od tih osoba mi se čak unaprijed zahvalila (it was Messi, thankyou :)
i tako da sam upravo spržila 4 cd-a, isprintala jedno 10-ak stranica, zbog koga, troje od petero tih ljudi misli da sam hodajuća, govoreća enciklopedija, ma zašto se uopće trudim?

nema veze evo da prijeđem na malo ugodniju temu: Fantom Opere (Gerard Butler is so cute, nema veze što su kritičari rekli da ne zna pjevat, nadoknađuje to svojim izgledom, istina u filmu mu je pola face sprženo ali ipak lijepo mu stoji ona maska, a što se pjevanja tiče toliko je loših pjevača oko nas tako da on spada u kategoriju onih daleko boljih, ali je stvarno lijepo pjevo u filmu, ne znam zaš' su ga onol'ko iskritizirali, a pogotovo Music of the Night, ja se rastopila dok je to pjevo
'Sense it, tremulous and tender, turn your face away from the garish light of day, turn your thoughts away from cold unfeeling light, and listen to the MUSIC OF THE NIGHT...' i to sam ja pjevala (loše btw) cijelo vrijeme dok sam bila u Zagrebu u subotu, frendica je poludila *muahahahahaha* )
al šta mogu kad tako lako razvijam nove opsesije, nedavno sam gledala Harry Pottera pa mi se i to polako uvuklo pod kožu

da ne spominjem pjesmu od Nightwisha The Phantom of the Opera, jao toliko to slušam da je frendica požalila što mi je dala njihov cd, bratić će mi uskoro donjet film joj tak sam sretna

07.11.2006., utorak

posted two days in a row

second post in two days this is a new record
so I would like to thank another good friend of mine for reminding me to write about our class *evil laugh*, the friend who goes by the name Messi so thanksss Messi (hope I got the spelling right)
a šta da kažem da nas ima 17 i da smo najgori to već zvuči kao besramno hvalisanje i da sam ja zalutala... (wandering child, so lost and helpless, yearning for my guidance...) 3.c eto jezična gimnazija drugim riječima oni kojima ne ide fizika, matematika, a ni jezici, kad smo već kod toga, koja ironija sudbine kao da si alergičan na vunu a cijeli život provedeš kao ovca...
ali ipak they can really be nasty little buggers when they want to but you gotta love'em, pogotovo ako je tu Mr. Hiperaktivan 24 Sata Na Dan (a.k.a. Messi), onda Miss. Dečko Mr.-a Hiperaktivnog 24 Sata Na Dan (a.k.a. Xavi) , onda jedna od mojih najboljih prijateljica i najvećih gnjavatorica (nemoj se ljutit sve mislim u dobrom smislu) onda naj friendica 2 koja je trenutačno opsjednuta filmom Tristan i Isolde (btw: Phantom of the Opera rules :) onda Ribica zvana Liza, i Mr. Zaletio Se U Prometni Znak Nekidan, i ostali među kojima je i jedan 'Kinez', i još hrpa ljudi koju mi se ne da nabrajat zato što moja nekontrolirana ironija zna biti jako offensive pa eto sve vas lijepo pozdravljam, nastojat ću se ne naživcirat (not that anyone cares for my wellbeing, after all I'm just a walking- talking encyclopedia as far as they're concirned)


06.11.2006., ponedjeljak

thankssss for the reminder

anyway, prošlo dosta vremena, so I was bored, and thanksssss for reminding me that I still own a blog, what the hell could I say, I write but nobody reads the stuff, maybe I should post fanfiction up here, but I doubt that be would be a successsss, sssssss, (you're probably wonderin' why all these 's's) I saw Harry Potter recently (Troooool! In the Dungeon! Trol in the dungeon! Thought you ought to know *passess out*--> this is professor Quirrell in case you haven't noticed :)

20.07.2006., četvrtak

X-men 3: The Last Stand (Posljednja fronta, uporište kako vam drago)

Here's a little movie review: I thought it would be better, I mean it's puno buke ni zašto, and the point of the movie: be yourself? Well they didn't really show it like that, I mean one of the main characters takes that goddamned cure, it's just not good, what kind of an example are they giving, that if your'e a Jew or Black or gay that you should just change that so you can fit in, that's just something only a coward would do. They've taken one of world's najpoučnijih comic books što se tiče rasizma and turned it into a high budget movie and have taken away all of its value. Stupid, sure the cure isn't permanent but still you just don't do that, out of principle, what kind of a person would do such a thing, I mean I get it the girl had a rough time but that's all the more reason for her not to tkae the damn cure, to set a role model for others, I'm very very disappointed...


17.07.2006., ponedjeljak

Pedofili imaju stranku (Let's f*ck children political party)

Dosad nisam imala ništa protiv Nizozemske, ustvari jesam ali nema veze citiram: "It's fucking utopia overthere" kraj citata. Yeah and now it's utopia for pedophiles. They fucking want to change the age of consent from 16 to 12!!! I mean that's just sick, it's gonna be the same like it was with homosexuals, they're gonna become a minority and have 'rights', well gay is ok to some extent I mean it's mostly grown people having sex with other grown people but pedophiles... soon it's gonna be like this: if I start writing crap about them it's gonna become insultive, and I'll be charged with a crime from hatred... sick, I mean I understand about minorities and them being suppressed every day I mean look at the rasism in the world but pedophiles are an entirely different group of people, I mean people come on, would you let your 12 YEAR OLD daughter to have sex with a 30 something year old? ok 16-17 that can still go, but 12?! for Christ's sake are they insane?

08.07.2006., subota


evo Rogue evo slika, nije baš nešto al meni se viđa

26.06.2006., ponedjeljak

So here I am watching Kate & Leopold (Hugh Jackman is soooo cute, but I like him better in X-men when he's all grrr and with that 'I don't give a shit' attitude)

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